Australian Journal of Political Science
Call for Submissions for Symposia
PROPOSALS DUE: 16 April 2021
The Australian Journal of Political Science is launching a call for the publication of symposia on any topic of interest to our readership and members of the Australian Political Studies Association.
A symposium will address a common research topic and typically take one of the following formats:
- 3-5 shorter papers of 4000-6000 words each with a 1000 word introduction by the symposium editors, or
- one full length research paper of 8000 words, 3 or 4 response or commentary papers addressing the main article’s main themes of 3000-4000 words each, and a short 500-1000 word rejoinder by the main author.
Symposium proposals should be no more than 2-3 pages long and provide the following details:
- the research question and themes the symposium will address
- the common theoretical or analytical frame that links the manuscripts
- name of the contributors (these should be people who have agreed to write papers, not simply a wishlist)
- provisional paper titles and abstracts
- a timeline for submission, including details of any workshops (past or future) associated with the symposium. For example, a symposium for the December 2021 issue would need to be submitted by August.
- the communications strategy that will be employed to promote the symposium, and any impact strategies.
Preliminary acceptance of symposium proposals will be made by the editors of the AJPS and will be based on the following criteria:
- Topic – Is the topic timely, relevant, and likely to be of interest to the international readership of the AJPS?
- Quality – Is the proposed symposium coherent and representative of a range of perspectives on and/or approaches to the chosen research question?
- Diversity – Does the symposium include papers written by men and women, early career researchers, and more senior academics?
- Communication and Impact – Is an effective strategy in place for promoting the symposium?
Final acceptance and publication in the journal is not guaranteed but will be determined by the editors after a double-blind refereeing process, administered by the AJPS editorial team.
All enquiries and symposium proposals should be submitted by email to Rob Manwaring at: by 16 April 2021.