2018 APSA Conference
The 2018 APSA Annual Conference is integrated into the 25th World Congress of IPSA, and will be held in Brisbane 21-25 July 2018 (see conference flyer here).
The 2018 APSA Postgraduate Caucus is holding its annual APSA Postgraduate Workshop Day on Saturday 21 July, 2018. The workshop is free for APSA postgraduate members, but registration is essential as capacity is limited. Program details are now available; please contact Sarah Warner if you have any enquiries.
RC Sessions – organised by each of the 50 Research Committees of IPSA The Congress is made up of the following sessions:
- General Sessions – representing big issues and sub-fields of the discipline
- APSA Sessions – Australian Politics / Comparative Politics / Environmental Politics / Public Policy and Governance / Gender and Sexuality / Political Theory / Media and Politics
- OCIS Sessions – International Theory / International Law / International Organisations / Globalisation and IPE / Gender in International Politics / International Security / International Ethics / International Development / Politics in Oceania
The three conferences are fully integrated (please see conference diagram).
Please direct any enquiries about the 2018 Conference to the Local Organising Committee, and we look forward to seeing you in July!