Quantitative Methods Research Group

The Quantitative Methods Research Group (QMRG) has three basic goals.

  • First, we seek to strengthen connections among Australia-based political science researchers and students, who develop, apply, or are interested in applying quantitative methods.
  • Second, we seek to support and enhance the participation of these researchers and students in APSA conferences, leading to greater cross-methods interaction within the APSA community.
  • Third, we seek to contribute to tertiary quantitative methods training at post-graduate and undergraduate levels at Australian universities, by providing opportunities for students to interact with senior researchers, designing quantitative methods workshops and seminars, etc.

Chief among our activities is encouraging and organising quantitative-methods focused panels at APSA annual meetings. We maintain an email list allowing members to, for example, post announcements, seek methodological advice from the community of members, and find collaborators.

We encourage APSA members with any level of quantitative analysis skill to join our community. We especially encourage women at any stage of PhD studies or an academic career to join. To do so, please email one of the co-convenors directly. Membership is free.


Constanza Sanhueza Petrarca (co-convenor)

Australian National University

E-mail: constanza.sanhueza@anu.edu.au

Thiago Nascimento da Silva (co-convenor)

Australian National University

E-mail: thiago.silva@anu.edu.au