The Organising Committee in consultation with the Australian Political Studies Association (APSA) announces the Second and final Call for Papers for the 2021 APSA Conference. Due to on-going travel restrictions regarding COVID-19, a decision has been made to hold the conference in virtual format via Zoom.
In recognition of the increased uncertainties regarding jobs in the higher education sector, we have revised the fees to encourage participation from ‘unwaged’ researchers, as well as Early Career Researchers and postgraduate students.
All abstracts must follow the instructions and format listed on the conference website and be submitted to by Monday 3 May 2021, 11:59pm AEST.
Registration Fees (all prices in AUD and inclusive of GST)
- Members – Early Bird Registration $110
- Members – Standard Registration $141
- Non-Members- Early Bird Registration $141
- Non-Members- Standard Registration $172
- ECRs*, Unwaged**, Student Member Early Registration $31
- ECRs, Unwaged, Student Non Member Early Registration $47
- ECRs, Unwaged, Student Member Standard Registration $62
- ECRs, Unwaged, Student Non Member Standard Registration $79
*Early Career Researchers whose PhDs were conferred on or after 3 May 2016, or have a PhD conferral date with a period of career interruptions that would be commensurate with a PhD conferral date on or after 3 May 2016 (as per the ARC’s definition:
**Researchers on non-permanent, fixed term or casual contracts.
Notification of Outcome of Abstract Submission
Authors who have submitted an individual abstract or a panel/roundtable proposal will be notified of whether their abstract has been accepted or declined by 4th of June 2021. The registration and payment links will be advertised in due course. After authors have been notified of the outcome of their submissions, authors will have until 10th July 2021 to register and pay at early bird rates. From 11th July 2021, standard registration rates apply. Cancellations with refunds will be made available until 20th July 2021, after which time there will be no refunds of the conference fees.
All other enquiries regarding the APSA Annual Conference 2021 should be emailed to the Conference Secretary, Ms Kelli-Lee Drake at