The APSA 2020 Annual General Meeting will be held virtually on 29 September 2020 (Tuesday 2.00-3.00 pm).
Nominations are currently open for the positions of:
- Vice President / President-Elect for the term 2020-2023 (this is a three-year term comprising three consecutive one-year terms of Vice President, President, and Immediate Past President)
*The APSA Executive encourages nominations from candidates for Vice President who have a different gender identity to the incumbent President. This convention of almost 20 years is embedded in the APSA Constitution and reflects APSA’s commitment to ensuring diversity in the leadership of the Association. The incoming President from September 2020, Helen Sullivan, identifies as female, so in this call, we encourage nominations and support for candidates who identify as other than female.
- Ordinary Member of the Executive for the term 2020-2023
Nominations for the posts, accompanied by a one paragraph description of the candidate and their reasons for nominating, may be forwarded to the National Office at any time prior to the AGM. These will be circulated to members at the meeting. In the event of no nominations being received by the closing date, the Executive Committee may seek suitable candidates to present to the AGM for voting. When there is more than one nomination for either position, voting will occur immediately following the AGM via Survey Monkey.
If you are interested in either position or would like to nominate someone else, please complete the relevant nomination form listed below. Please note that the completed form must include the signature of the person being nominated, to indicate their agreement to run for the position.
Nomination forms should be returned to by 12 pm on Tuesday 29 September 2020.