2024 APSA Conference

Annual Conference: University of Western Australia/CHASS – Perth, 25-28 November 2024

APSA’s annual conference will be hosted at UWA in Perth from 25-28 November. The conference will be was hosted with the Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS). The CHASS link to the conference is here:


Details about the APSA conference can be found here:


The PhD day will take place taking place on Monday (25th), and the main conference taking place from 26-28 November.

The local organising committee is being led by Paul Maginn at UWA, with Andrea Carson (La trobe) supporting the conference.

To make the conference as accessible as possible, we are working with CHASS to ensure that there is financial support for travel and accommodation for colleagues, and especially for PhD students and ECRs. To apply for travel bursaries, please register hre: 


We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Perth later in the year.


APSA Conference 2024 Closing Reception Registration

Should you have any questions or issues regarding your registrations, please contact arts-ssps-apsa@unimelb.edu.au

asterisk (*) indicates required field

Registration is now closed.